Keshena Animal Help and Rescue, Inc.

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Update 5/6/2011

Starbrite is now called Sadie and she has a lot of personality. She is an alpha dog and is very forthright in showing her preferences and dislikes. She plays all the time with the other family dog (a black lab), and the 4 family cats (at first we did not think she liked cats!). She does not like cameras - like serveral other dogs that have been rescued - which probably means she had a gun pointed at her. She loves to be brushed and have her nails clipped, she will lay right down to have them done. She loves car rides, and her favorite thing to do is to snuggle up on the couch with her owner and the black lab.

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This is Sadie, a.k.a. Starbrite, she doing very well, living in a great home and is very happy.