Special Rescue Cases
These dogs needed help so badly that we ran ads to ask for your help. Click on their links to see their story and to get an update on their progress.
Recent Rescue Cases
Bi-annual Newsletter - 6/2019
Molly - It was cold and dark when Pam went to the kennels to feed, walk, and clean the only kennel occupied when she happened to see some movement in an empty adjoining kennel.
Once she too care of the only stray she know about she went to the empty kennel to investigate.
She saw a very, very thin and frightened dog crouching behind the dog house.
Since she didn't know how long the dog had been hding it was of grave concern.
It was so very cold. She fed and wnatered the dog and made sure it had plenty of straw before setting about the task of getting it immediate care.
The dog turned out to be a female and so emanciated that after a quick call she was on her way to a foster home that very night.
The biggest surprise, however, was that she was pregnant. How did she find her way to our unlocked kennels? How was she able to survive without any body fat during one of the coldest
and snowiest winters?
She was so sweet, calm, and trusting. She was not only pregnant but due any time.
She had to have her puppies by ceasarian section. Pam had found her just in time. She was so emanciated her life was in jeopardy.
Molly had 12 puppies and 9 survivied. Her puppies had to be removed from her at 4 weeks because she didn't have the strength to remain with them. Shortly after that she collapsed.
She was rushed to the animal hospital but died there. It turned out Molly also had lyme disease.
Molly is gone but her strong spirit lives on in the babies she was able to bear. Her passing was and is still deeply mourned by everyone who took care of her and knew her story.
She is resting now but we know her last days were filled with love, warmth, and comfort.
Luckily the kennels, the supporters, and volunteers were there to care and home the babies she brought us. We cannot say thank you enough for the donations that you give that enable us to care for dogs like Molly.