Keshena Animal Help and Rescue, Inc.

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The ASPCA granted money to KAHR to fund a study of tick bourne diseases on the Menominee Reservation. KAHR put together the "Tick Them Off" Campaign to test the effectiveness of different colors and tick treatments. On April 8th 2 teams went out into the field to treat two groups of animals. The animals were given blood tests to determine if they currently had any tick type diseases, then treated with one of two types of collars. They will be tested again at the end of the tick season and the results will be compared. Below are some pictures of the first round of tests.

Team 1 included Tawana, Lisa and Gaynelle, who are pictured here at the start of the day while the sun was still shining!

Team 2 consisted of Jenny, Bette and Julie. Bette is the founder of KAHR and has been going to the reservation almost weekly for several years now. She says many of the dogs recognize her red SUV and come out looking for treats when she pulls in the driveway!

Pugsley the pug and Tawana on the Tick Them Off campaign.

The weather soon turned nasty, getting a full on snow storm in April!

Meeko the shep/husky mix. Most challenging dog to do anything with because he hates restraint and isn't afraid to bite. I'm proud to say it only took 4 adults to hold him so I could draw blood/vaccinate and put a collar on him. We won this match up :)

Link to our facebook page for more infomation about the different things we are doing!