Keshena Animal Help and Rescue, Inc.

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Recent rescue dog - Chud

Recent resuce dog - Tom

Recent rescue dog - Trixie

Heather raising funds for the group at Petco

This dog was rescued on 2006 after being attacked by other stray dogs

This is one of the shot caravan groups, they split up into teams and go door to door giving vaccinations.

Our MASH unit setup for surgeries.

One of our volunteers in the recovery area with a new friend.

Dogs coming in by the truck load!

After surgery in the recovery area.

One of our surgeons, Dr. Mandi.

This is our surgery and prep area in operation.

The registration desk, where it all begins.

Getting a dog ready for surgery, and a complimentary nail clip!

Dr Vicky is another of our great volunteer vets.

Dr Steve is our lead volunteer vet seen here in surgery.

The holding area for dogs waiting for surgery or waiting to get picked up, a very busy place.

The dog prep station before surgery with one of our long time vet tech volunteers.

One of the vaccination stations where we give DHLPP, rabies, and test for heartworm.

The Menominee tribe has a table for issuing dog licenses.